Multisol 210

Remover of resins, glues, polymers, etc.

Multisol 210 is a safe and powerful cleaning agent, designed for the removal of various adhesives, glues, tar, bitumen, coatings and resins.

from 22,05/ liter


Product information

Product description

Multisol 210 is a safe and powerful cleaning agent, designed for the removal of various adhesives, glues, tar, bitumen, coatings and resins.

Sustainable solution

Harmful solvents such as methylene chloride, NMP or NEP are commonly needed for the removal of adhesives, glues, paint remainders, etc. However, after intensive research Eco-Point has succeeded in developing an easily biodegradable glue and polymer remover: Natusol 210.

  • Traditional products are harmful and aggressive with low flash points and/or high vapour pressures.
  • Fast evaporation of these solvents leads to a hazardous working environment (high concentrations in the air), which can cause O.P.S. (Organo Psycho Syndrome), i.e. brain damage through the inhalation of harmful solvents.

Special advantages

  • Recycle IconIs a very powerful biodegradable cleaner
  • Recycle IconHas a high flash point
  • Recycle IconBeing not corrosive and not affecting the ozone layer is therefore much safer in use compared to methylene chloride
  • Recycle IconIs silicone free
  • Recycle IconIs ‘the’ alternative for many aggressive solvents such as methylene chloride or NMP (n-methylpyrrolidon) and NEP (n-ethylpyrrolidon)

Areas of application

  • Multisol 210 can be used to clean and remove glue and adhesives:
  • Cleaning (2-component) glues
  • Cleaning tools polluted with inks, paints, resins etc.
  • Cleaning dirty floors and machines
  • Removing resins/synthetic materials such as: polyamides, polyimides, polyesters, polystyrene, polyurethane’s etc
  • Removing tar and bitumen pollution

Solution areas

More information

Amos Herz

+31 6-51655066



Technical Data Sheet - Multisol 210


Multisol 210
